
Sunday 24 July 2016

The Nigerian Sport Minister Pleaded--We ask Nigerians and athletes in particular to disregard the mail

The Youth and Sport Minister Barrister Solomon Dalung has apoligised to Nigerians and athletes, due to the embarrassing letter stating that Nigerian athletes going for the Olympic game should buy their own air tickets. 

In a statement by his media aid, Posted in his Facebook account. Dalung claimed that the letter was not from the ministry, and vow to investigate those behind the write up.

He also said that Angie Taylor, Director High Performance, is saddled
with the responsibility to arrange for the flights and movement of the foreign based athletes Rio.

 “We did not write any mail asking athletes to pay their way to Rio. As the overseers of sports in the country, it is our duty to take care of all our athletes. The letter did not come from us and we will investigate the writer of that letter. It does not represent our stand concerning the movement of athletes to Rio and the writer or anybody asking athletes to buy their tickets to Rio will be investigated. We ask Nigerians and athletes in particular to disregard the mail” Dalung said.

Danlug further advised the athletes to remain focused on their build-up to the Rio games.

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