
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Pro-Biafra--‘Grazing Bill’, Is an attempt to make a wholesale of our land to Fulani herdsmen

One of the head of the Pro-Biafra liberation has recently spoke on behave of its group to theState Houses of Assembly in the South East and South South geo political zones to reject the National Grazing Routes and Reserves Commission bill which is being deliberated in the National Assembly. Which he also blamed the state assembly of Imo state of its secret plot to pass the bill into law.

They also urged the National assembly members from the zones to strategically frown at any means to impose the bill to the country.

The group also describes the bill as“obnoxious and an attempt to make a ‘wholesale’ of our homeland to the Fulani herdsmen whose stock in trade is to kill and occupy,”

In a statement sign by
Comrades Austin-Mary Ndukwu  and Dom Offornwoke the group leaders.
“We want to emphasize that we won’t hesitate to fight the enemies of our people who instead of positively representing their constituencies, go cap in hand to our oppressors to enslave us. BLC is warning the Imo House of Assembly to desist from their anti people stance to pass the grazing reserve bill or face our wrath.”

“From now, any House of Assembly in the South East or South South geo political zone that supports the obnoxious bill will regret its action. Nobody will be allowed to deny us our homeland. We charge Presidents General of town unions and communities to reject any attempt to use their land for cattle grazing and reserve,” the statement read in part.

The group further lamented on the regions and their descendants and said.“The Hausa/Fulani can trace their descendants to Ghana, Mali, Niger and other parts of Africa while the Yourba have their kiths and kin in Benin Republic and Togo. The federal government should drop the idea of creating grazing reserves in our homeland. We will resist any attempt to further enslave us.”

This news was first carried by Vanguard new.

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