
Monday 18 July 2016

Baton Rouge Shooting Three Police Dead Others Wounded, Obama intervene
Yesterday at Baton Rouge Louisiana three police officers were short dead and others wounded, a source said the shooting started after a police officer received a 911 call that there is a man on black walking around with raffle.
A suspect also died in a shoot to shoot with police. A police superintended Col. Mike Louisiana said investigation is ongoing and that is non-active shooter scene.
"We believe the person that shot and killed our officers, that he is a person that was shot and killed at the scene," Edmonson said. He said police do not believe there are "any other shooters held up ... in the Baton Rouge area."
A source said shooting stated
around 8:45 a.m. in the Old Hammond area which is a few mile away from the police head office
Gov. Jon Bel Edwards of Louisiana in a statement, said "This is an unspeakable and unjustified attack on all of us at a time when we need unity and healing.

"Rest assured, every resource available to the state of Louisiana will be used to ensure the perpetrators are brought swiftly to justice," Edwards said.
According to the rising of one Sterling's death, there were calls to "purge" cops in Baton Rouge, in the area. They have also been other warning issued FBI’s field office, on the threat to the law enforcement and threat to the general public.
He said he has offered the support of the federal government to state and local authorities in Louisiana.

It was also that the Sunday morning shootings come in the wake of the death of Alton Sterling, a black man who was shot and killed after an altercation with Baton Rouge police officers on July 5. Sterling's death and the police-involved death of a black man in Minnesota a day later sparked nationwide protests. Then on July 7, a gunman targeted police officers at a protest in Dallas, killing five officers and wounding others.
President Obama today condemned what he called "an attack on law enforcement in Baton Rouge," after three officers were killed and three others wounded, saying such attacks on police "have to stop."
US. President Obama condemned the attack on the law enforcement in Baton Rouge, after the three officers were killed, saying such attack on police, “have to stop.” He also made reference to last two weeks Dallas attack that left five police dead and wounding seven others.
"For the second time in two weeks, police officers who put their lives on the line for ours every day were doing their job when they were killed in a cowardly and reprehensible assault," he said. "These are attacks on public servants, on the rule of law, and on civilized society, and they have to stop.
Obama the attack as "the work of cowards who speak for no one," and that the White House is offering any support necessary to authorities.
"Today, on the Lord's day, all of us stand united in prayer with the people of Baton Rouge, with the police officers who've been wounded, and with the grieving families of the fallen," Obama said. "May God bless them all"
This news was first reported at ABC news.
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