
Tuesday 19 July 2016

ASSU Lambast FG, For Poor Educational Standard and Scrap of PUTM

The Academy Staff Union of Universities, ASSU has lay an accusation to the federal Government of Nigeria for contributing to the fall in standard of the Nigerian education, and for in its global rating. ASUU complained of the reducing in budget instead of allocating more budget to improve standard.
ASSU National President Comrade Biodun Ogunyemi in a journalist briefing also criticized the government decision to scrap Post-University Matriculation Tertiary Education and Lamenting that Joint Admission and Matriculation Board could not admit student into the Institutions.
The union also ask FG. To pay the N623 billion, is owing ASSU for the earned academic allowances and funding of universities. He also criticize the continuous breach of various Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, signed between FG, and ASSU between 2009/2015 he added that the FG, was in arrears of N494 billion as at the first quarter of 2016, with respect of the NEED assessment fund for the revitalization of public Universities, in the country.
He further warn against the undue delay
in the implementation of the many signed agreement between ASSU, and FG.
He said: ”We consider it appalling that no consultation with stakeholders especially with ASUU and the Vice Chancellors was held before such far reaching national policy like the cancellation of Post Ume was pronounced.
“In a fundamental way, the policy undermines the autonomy of universities and powers of universities’ senate as the highest policy making body on academic matters, particularly admission of students and award of university degrees.”
Mr. Ogunyemi vow that the union as an important stakeholder in university system will continue to draw the attention of all concerned to possible threat peaceful development and growth of the country’s education.
This news was first reported in Vanguard News
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