
Tuesday 28 June 2016

Nigerian Government Dares Universities and others: On Post UTME Test, or Face Sanction

The Minister of Education, Malam Adamu re-announce the ban on Post-Unified Tertiary 

Matriculation, UTME. He also told journalists in Abuja that any institution that violates the directive will be punished by the Federal Government.

“The ban is with immediate effect and under no circumstance should any institution violate the directive. Those who have already advertised for the conduct of the Post-UTME under any guise should stop the exercise immediately”. He said.

He said laying the emphasis is necessary so that no stakeholders we be left unaware on the government position, on the issue.

“For the avoidance of doubt, any educational institution, after secondary education, is regarded as a tertiary institution. Therefore, all tertiary institutions, by
whatever name it is called, after secondary education, must be subjected to admission through JAMB.” He said.

He also said that universities have every liberty to expel any student who fail to meet up the necessary requirement to enroll for any institutions.

He said there was no empirical evidence to show that since the inception of Post-UTME, universities had been having better students, adding that students were still being expelled annually for low performance, even as they gained admission through Post-UTME.

“Parents and guardians spend fortunes on transportation, hotel accommodation, examination fees and sundry costs, just for their wards to gain admission into universities; while in some cases, parents die in the process of travelling to secure admission for their wards, a situation he described as painful and avoidable”. He said

Adamu also ordered National Universities Commission, NUC, and the appropriate departments in the ministry to communicate this directive to relevant agencies and institutions to ensure strict and firm adherence.

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