
Friday 3 June 2016

Federal Government Scrapped Post UTME Screening Test

Flag Nigeria ( By Okonji) 

The Federal Government have scrapped Post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, mandatory exercise to gain admission into any university and other related institution in the country
The federal government and stakeholders in Educational sector, also pegged 180 as the benchmark for 2016 admission into any university polytechnics and colleges of Education, in other upgrade educational standard in the country. 

According to a Vanguard reporter, these decisions were reached
 at the 2016 Combined Policy Meeting on Admissions to Universities, Polytechnics and other higher institutions in Nigeria.
The Minister of Education Malam Adamu Adamu declared it with stakeholders in a meeting. He

said:  “As far as I am concerned, the nation has confidence in what JAMB is doing, the universities should not be holding another examinations and if the universities have any complain against JAMB, let them bring it and then we address it.

‘’But if JAMB is qualified enough to conduct tests and they have conducted test, then there will be no need to conduct another test for students to gain admission.

“The ministry expects that all candidates given admission must be from JAMB. but JAMB must stop issuing admission letters, JAMB should get in touch with institutions before offering admission to students.

‘’The closing date is November 30th and no university should exceed its admission capacity and any tertiary institution that doesn’t follow the rule, the ministry would start sanctioning them.

‘’Institutions should stop admitting students into un-accredited courses in their institutions. The institutions should stop writing JAMB to increase their quotas because JAMB cannot do that.”

The minister also said institutions should stop writing J AMB to increase their quotas as there were relevant agencies to do so.

“Merit is 45%, catchment area 35% and educational development in less developed states 20%, this is for federal universities and for states universities, merit 40%, catchment 40 % and less developed local governments get 20%,’’ he said.

The Minister also asked the Joint Admissions Matriculation Board to stop extra charges on several categories of changes on admissions such as the change of course, change of school and others.

The Registrar of JAMB, Professor Dibu Ojerinde, while talking to journalists after the meeting, said institutions were free to go above the 180 benchmark.

“180 benchmark is even, no one will go below it this year. Universities can go above it. This year, we have more than enough candidates because over 1.2 million candidates scored above 180, so we have enough candidates this year.

 “There won’t be any written post-U TME but they would screen the candidates. It is a necessary thing to screen the candidates.

‘’We agree and the Minister of Education also agrees but the issue of taking another examination is no longer going to happen,” he said.

Is this a good decision? or should have the government leave it the way it is?

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