
Tuesday 9 August 2016

Buhari Stop Deceiving the Masses—Mairigi Kano APC Chairman s

The All Progressive Congress, APC, chairman Kano faction Hussani Mairiga yesterday as described President Muhammadu Buhari government as failed administration.

The chairman in journalist briefing said “from the looks of things, President Buhari has betrayed the confidence of
the Nigerian masses who voted for him massively into power.”

Mairiga said members of families in Nigeria now go to bed without at least one square meal, why many have flared their homes because they could no longer provide for their loved ones.  

He criticize increase in the cost of rice, that the price of rice has hit 16, 000, and the price of other essential commodities and services has tripled, and after one year of Buhari”s government there was nothing to show has poverty is in the increase, to an unacceptable stage. He said the rises in the price of commodity is happening when the common man does not have money to make a living.

The Chairman also advised Buhari to stop deceiving the Nigerians that the nation had no money, why on monthly basis Federal and State gov’t continue to enjoy boost in their allocations.

He also blamed other government officials and ministers for not telling the President the truth and advising him on how grow the nation’s economy.

Mairiga further reminds Buhari about his campaign promises, stating that he did not like the way the masses were allowed to wallow in extreme poverty an lack.

He also said the country’s condition need’s an urgent interventions.

This news was first reported by Vanguard news.

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