
Friday 3 March 2017

At Least three died At Fire Outbreak in Adamawa

Three persons from the same family died of  fire outbreak at Kwalinga ward in Numan local government of the state, which was confirmed by the Adamawa Emergency Management Agency today, as led by Alhaji Haruna Funo the Executive Secretary of the Agency.

He said that the incident occurred at Kalinga ward in Nuaman Local Government Area Of the State, Furo also said that the agency has
sent some of their officials to sympathized with the family of the affected and investigate the level of damages at scene.

"Three persons of one family have been Killed by fire in kwanlinga ward in Nuaman local government area" he said.

According to Furo the residence lost property worth millions of Naira due to the outbreak

"Sixteen household were affected by the fire while seven other people sustained an injuries" he said.

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