
Thursday 29 December 2016

I Hate The Igbos: A Prominent Church Pastor Said

image by Gideon Summerfield 

A Pastor of a prominent church in Nigeria disclosed this to me few days to New Year, as a house painter, I had a little contract to paint the house of a pastor, why the painting work was in progress somehow a discussion started between me and the Pastor, after I had told him am from the South South part of Nigeria.

At the peak of our discussion he said

Friday 16 December 2016

Working On Technical Issue and coming Back to Serve you Better

This is to inform all Cheedoonews readers that we are sincerely sorry for not Posting news since this why, due to some technical issues, so we are using this medium to bring to your notice that CHEEDOO, is still disposed to providing a world class information, we are also using this opportunity to say we are coming back better and stronger...

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